Afghanistan -- Behind the Debate

There are a number of good articles and radio interviews this week about Afghanistan. Most of this has to do with the questions around "increase the troop levels or not". All of this has to do with the continual occupation of the country by U.S. and NATO forces.

Larry Everest's article in Revolution entitled "Behind the 'Debate' Over Afghanistan: Suffering, Death, and the Needs of Empire" takes up the main arguments in the debate and points to a completely different revolutionary couse of action.

For all articles and radio interviews go to Afghanistan Front News

Iraq -- Corruption and Fraggings


Published: October 17, 2009

David Stephenson Rohde is a New York Times reporter who was kidnapped by the Taliban in November 2008. He escaped on the night of June 19, 2009, and made his way to freedom after more than seven months of captivity in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mr. Rohde was part of The Times's reporting team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for coverage of Afghanistan and Pakistan. He gives his account of his experience as a captive in a five part series, Held by the Taliban.