
Fort Hood Killings


Iran / Iraq

Iran Sets War Games to Simulate Foreign Attack

Al-Qaeda in Iraq Regaining Strength 


Part of the U.S. Counterinsurgency programs (going back to the early days after WWII) is to arm a certain part of the population against the other.
This especially found its fruits under the new counterinsurgency programs in Iraq, known as the 'Sunni Awakening'
One would have to seriously ask:
How much more violence and corruption does the U.S. Plan to inflict upon the Afghan people.
Was it not the arming of the various „liberation groups“ against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan in the 1980's that led to an all out civil war after the Russians left?
Did the U.S. not support the arming and training of the original Taliban fighters in the 1990's in order „to bring order“ into the country?
As the inteior minister in Afghanistan points out in the article,
In Kunduz, after they defeated the Taliban in their villages, they became the power and they took money and taxes from the people,” Mr. Atmar, the interior minister, said. “This is not legal, and this is warlordism.”
go to Afghanistan Front News

Asia Minor

Main News
Barak: We Must Crush Military Refusal With an Iron Fist
Other News

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Hamas Denies Holding Secret Talks With Israel
Palestinians: Israeli Planes Hit Gaza Targets
Israel Releases 5 Palestinian Intelligence Officers
Mourning Uprooted Olive Trees in West Bank Villages
Abbas Prods Brazil to Help End Iran Support for Hamas
Jordanian Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Israeli Jails

Lebanon's Military Chief Urges High Alert on Israel Border
Lebanon Army Reportedly Fires at IAF Drone, Amid Rising Tensions
No Official Comment on Report of Lebanese Army Firing at Israeli Drone, Says IDF Spokesman
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US Delivers Training Seminar to Lebanese Air Force

Mubarak Vows Not to Tolerate Attacks on Egyptians After Soccer Rivalry With Algeria Turns Violent
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Middle East
Torture, Killings Rife in Yemen, Says UN Watchdog
In Turkey, Coup Trial Casts Wide Net of Mistrust
