March 25, 2010

Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem Does Not Belong to Jewish-Israelis  by Juan Cole
From Good War to Bad Social Engineering  by Doug Bandow
Covering Up American War Crimes, From Baghdad to New York  by Charles Glass
This Is Your Army on Drugs  by Kelley Vlahos
A Curious History of the CIA's Secret Interrogation Program  by Jane Mayer
The President's Nullification Power  by Jacob G. Hornberger

Myth: Media Believed the Iraq War Hype
by Greg Mitchell
What's Happening in Baghdad?Michael Hastings on Allawi, Maliki, Sadr and the US
Putting Israel FirstGrant F. Smith says our interests are not the same
American Insanity in SomaliaIvan Eland on the perpetual terror war

March 24, 2010

Truth and Consequences in the Middle East  by Tony Karon and Tom Engelhardt
A Stark Truth About Israel  by Glenn Greenwald
Checkered Record of the World's Policeman  by Jeremy Kuzmarov
Rent-a-Rambos  by Eric Margolis
Israeli Army World's Most Moral?  by Mel Frykberg
Attack of the Cheneys  by Matthew Duss

The Domestic Bases of America's Grand Strategy
by Justin Logan

"Walking With the Comrades" Walking With The Comrades Arundhati Roy: "Walking with the Comrades"

March 23, 2010

Spinning the Taliban Defeat in Marjah  by Malou Innocent
Can the 'Bush Lied' Deniers Handle the Truth?  by David Corn
The Ties That Bind America to Israel Are Beginning to Fray and Break  by Chris McGreal
Unwarranted Influence  by Jeff Huber
Will Obama Sell Out on Terrorist Trials?  by Andy Worthington
Washington Lucked Out in Ukraine  by Doug Bandow

Could Israel Drag America Into a War With Iran?
by Christopher Dickey