
NYT Columnists
Doubts About Certitude 
Defense Secretary Robert Gates helped create the mess in Afghanistan decades ago and now has to try to clean it up.MAUREEN DOWD
A troop surge won’t work in Afghanistan unless there is a parallel surge against those who promote jihadism online.THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN
Global Warming's Cold Shoulder 
Do advocates of global-warming theory think it helps their cause to ignore questions from skeptics? TOBIN HARSHAW

Protesters offer best hope for our planet

Johann Hari: They have ensured that the corporate lobbyists punching holes in the deal are shamed.

Miraculous Organ: Blair, Obama, and the Narcissist's Defense
by Chris Floyd

Sanctioning Iran a Dangerous, Illegal Move  by Rep. Ron Paul

Possible Unintended Consequences of Regime Change in Iran  by Stephen M. Walt

Intoxicated by Power, Blair Tricked Us Into War  by Ken Macdonald

Grinding Down the US Army
by William Astore and Tom Engelhardt

Obama's Indecent Interval
by Thomas H. Johnson and M. Chris Mason

True Lies: The Tzipi Livni Debacle  by Ayman Mohyeldin

The War Democrats
Justin Raimondo on Sestak's rationale for war
Another Questionable Peace Prize Choice 
Obama has some bad company, says Ivan Eland